A Psycho Analysis of Jericho

The epic box-o-shit. I don’t know where the tradition started but it has been perfected by Jericho of Attrition.org. Beginning at least five years ago Jericho has boxed up the…

Then They Came For Me…

First they came for Jackson, and I didn't speak out because I didn't play D&D. Then they came for Neidorf, and I didn't speak out because I trusted the phone…

Anatomy of Hype

Lets see if I can break this down chronologically. On July 12, 2012 a third party marketing firm hired by Verizon had a large database of Verizon user information 'copied'.…

Handle Shmandle

A lot of people ask me why I still use a handle and go by 'Space Rogue' instead of using my real name. Trust me it is kinda awkward to…

We would like your feedback

Getting your customers to fill out market satisfaction survey's is all the rage these days. "We greatly appreciate your feedback " Hey, its free demographic marketing! Its also usually ego…