A Psycho Analysis of Jericho

The epic box-o-shit. I don’t know where the tradition started but it has been perfected by Jericho of Attrition.org. Beginning at least five years ago Jericho has boxed up the…

Beyond Hype

Sometime an article comes along that is just beyond the traditional sort of hype I usually rant about. In other words its just plain wrong. "How They Popped The Penguin:…

Anatomy of Hype, Take 2

I almost wasn’t going to write about the supposed cyber attack at the New York Times last week as reported by Fox Business because I just haven’t had the time…

Say Cyber Again.

I don't think this will stay on YouTube very long I got an instant DMCA take down notice as soon as it was uploaded. I filed a dispute but we…

Then They Came For Me…

First they came for Jackson, and I didn't speak out because I didn't play D&D. Then they came for Neidorf, and I didn't speak out because I trusted the phone…