SourceBoston WrapUp

I had been waiting for the folks at Source Boston to update their website with relevant materials before I posted a recap but they are probably waiting until Monday and…

More USB Snake Oil

I'm still busy recovering from the excellent Source Boston conference and I will post a recap soon but I wanted to get this out there. Last week I wrote about…

Last Day for Source2008

Yesterday I unfortunately missed James Atkinson's talk at Source Boston but evidently it scared a few people and pissed off a few others. I did manage to catch Carole Fennelly's…

Smart People

Sometimes I wonder if people who are revered in their field are really all that smart. I am pretty sure that some people have achieved their positions not because they…

More secure products that aren’t

Think that cool USB thumb drive you just bought with the word of 'encryption' written in big letters all over the package is really secure? Think again. ComputerWorld recently reviewed…