Most Security is Useless

Looks like I missed this the first time around but there is an article about a speech recently given by Peter Tippet, a VP at Verizon and a scientist at…

Uncle Sam Needs You (Geek!)

Thats right the US Air Force is looking for a few good geeks. And evidently they are willing to relax a few of the requirements of military service to get…

Feds Use Spyware

Ever hear of CIPAV? It is some pretty bad-ass spyware that tracks every website, every chat, every email that you send from your computer. Maybe you know it by its…

PWN to Own Take 2

The folks over at CanSecWest will once again be hosting their popular PWN to OWN contest at this years con. I wrote about last year's contest that was won after…

Quickies and L0pht News

There have been a lot of things happening in the security world lately that I have wanted to write about like Geekonomics, the half million pictures pilfered from MySpace and…