I don’t really know who actually owns the Hacker News Network anymore. I own the domain now but the original content was part of the sale of L0pht to @Stake which was then sold to Symantec. At this point though I don’t really care anymore. If they want it they can come and get it and suffer the negative publicity as a consequence.

Therefore I am putting all of the old HNN files back online. I figure the files don’t do anyone any good wasting away on my hard drive. So if you want to check out the news from any day between September 10, 1998 and March 30, 2000 just click on one of those links and then change the date in the URL to the day you are looking for.

A couple of notes, these are just the raw news files, no pretty pictures or other chrome. If you find duplicate files, those were the weekends. I think I have all the days but some of them may be missing, I know the last few months are not there. These were all originally written in in raw html with no spell check, and my grammar ain’t no good neither. Almost all of the links will be broken (hey, its been ten years) but a few like CNN’s might still work.

On an unrelated note, WordPress is now at 2.6.3 (yeah, I know big deal) and you can now leave comments with your OpenID!