You may have noticed over there on the right hand side of this website a link to’s DLDOS or Data Loss database. The DLDOS (despite the poor choice of acronyms, or was that on purpose?), like Attrition’s Defacement Archive before it, is an extremely useful tool that has become the authoritative archive of privacy and data security breaches and is used extensively by researchers in the field. Even to just casually browse through the over 1000 listings of data breeches is an eye opening experience. Most of these breeches never make the news or if they do are seldom on the front page. With more and more companies attempting to keep such security lapses secret such a resource becomes more and more valuable. As the database’s usefulness has grown so has the resources needed to keep it online. Resources that just does not have. Thankfully Attrition has been able to find someone else to maintain and support this valuable resource.
As of July 15th the Open Security Foundation (OSF) will take over maintenance and expansion of the database. The new system will have much more data and many more feature and be available as a free download for non-profit use. Bravo to both Attrition and the OSF not only for creating and maintaining this resource but also for making sure it does not disappear.

Check oput the new DataLoss DB here.

P.S. See you all at The Last Hope. I’ll hopefully have several blog posts from the show floor.